
1996- 1998 EU Programme “ECOCRAFT”, European Collaboration on CO2 Responses Applied to Forests and Trees.

1998 – 1999 EU-Environment project “ECOVOC”, Parameterisation of environmental and physiological controls of volatile organic compound emissions from european forests.

1998 – 1999 Regional Programme (supported by the European Union) “Establishing a Biomonitoring Network for Ozone Pollution in Rural Areas of the Viterbo Province”

1999 – 2001 EU Programme “POPFACE”, A European Free Air Carbon dioxide Enrichment experiment on Poplar plantations

2001 – 2004 EU Programme “MEFYQUE”, Modelling and forecasting timber yield and quality in Europe.

2003 – 2005 EU Programme “EUROFACE”, An integrated european scientific infrastructure for global change studies on forest and agroforest ecosystems utilising FACE technology. (Scientific Secretary)

2005 – 2007 European Marie-Curie OIF Fellowship “GLOBALVOC”, Understanding global change effects on VOC emission in Populus from eco-physiological to molecular level (Coordinator)

2007 – 2012 COST Action FP0701 “Post-fire Forest Management in Southern Europe” (MC member)

2008 – 2011 EC Programme “CAREX”, A European platform for research on life in extreme environments (OU Responsible, SC member)

2008 – 2012 EC Programme “HEREPLUS”, HEalth Risk from Environmental Pollution Levels in Urban Systems (OU Responsible)

2008 – 2011 EC – Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways programme. “PTR-TOF – Application of innovative PTR-TOF mass spectrometry in plant biology, environmental science and food/food packaging”

2010 – 2015 EC-CZECHGLOBE – Global Change Research Centre of Excellence (member)

2011 – 2012 CNR-CSIC bilateral project on Carbon Losses from semiarid ecosystems (OU Responsible)

2011 – 2015 RIFORTER Studio di RIqualificazione della FOResta urbana per il miglioramento della qualità dell’aria della conca ternana (Coordinator)

2012 – 2015 PON I-AMICA “Infrastruttura di Alta tecnologia per il Monitoraggio Integrato Climatico-Ambientale” (WP and OU Responsible, SC member)

2012 – 2016 Progetto “RITMARE -Ricerca italiana per il mare” (OU Responsible)

2013 – 2015 CNR – AVCR Bilateral project on BVOC emission under extreme climatic conditions (OU Responsible)

2013 – 2016 CZ-MSMT Assessing interactions between Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) and ozone in forests under extreme climatic events (Coordinator)

2013 – 2015 Commessa CNR TA.P02.002 Cambiamento globale e vegetazione terrestre – Scambi atmosfera-biosfera (Coordinator) 

2013 – 2017 COST Action FP1204 GreenInUrbs “Green Infrastructure approach: linking environmental with social aspects in studying and managing urban forests” (Coordinator, Chair)

2014 – 2017 MIUR-PRIN project “Modelli innovativi di analisi dei servizi ecosistemici nell’ambito di formazioni boschive urbane e periurbane (NEUFOR)” (OU Responsible)

2014 – 2018 Nextdata related project “Carbon and water fluxes in mountain forest and grassland ecosystems from leaf to eco system level: effects of climate variability and management” (Coordinator)

2015 – 2016 ARCA-Artico: cambiamento climatico attuale ed eventi estremi del passato (OU Responsible)

2015 – 2018 PALMO Piani di Adattamento Locale in ambito Montano Mediterraneo (Coordinator)

2015 – 2019 EU (H2020) ECOPOTENTIAL: improving future ecosystem benefits through earth observations (OU Member)

2016 – undefinite ICOS-Reseach Infrastructure Integrated Carbon Observation System (Italian Focal Point)

2016 – 2019 Smart-Cities project SWaRM – Smart Water Resource Management (WP Responsible)

2016 H2020-EKLIPSE Knowledge and Learning mechanisms on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (Co-chair of the Expert WG on Nature Based Soluions requested by DG Research)

2017 – 2020 Era4CS Serv_ForFIRE Integrated services and approaches for assessing effects of climate change and extreme events for fire and post fire risk prevention (Member of Coordination team)

2018 – 2019 CNR-CNRS Lebanon bilateral project ” Monitoring urban and peri-urban green infrastructure as early detection of forest stress and environmental quality” (Coordinator)

2018 – 2021 ERASMUS Modernization of Environment Protection Studies Programmes for Armenia and Georgia / MENVIPRO (OU Responsible)

2018 – 2023 H2020-NBS-ProGIReg Productive Green Infrastructure for post-industrial urban regeneration (Vice-Coordinator, WP Leader)

2018 – 2021 OT4CLIMA Sviluppo di tecnologie innovative di Osservazione della Terra per lo studio del Cambiamento Climatico e dei suoi impatti su ambiente e territorio (OU Responsible)

2019 – 2023  PON – ProICOSMed Potenziamento della Rete di Osservazione ICOS-Italia nel Mediterraneo (Coordinator)

2019 – 2023 PRIN – EUFORICC Establishing Urban FORest based solutions In Changing Cities (Coordinator)

2021 – 2025 H2020 PAUL Pilot Application in Urban Landscapes: towards integrated city observatories for greenhouse gases (OU Responsible)

2022 – 2026 National Biodiversity Future Centre – Spoke Coordinator

2022 – 2026 ITINERIS – Italian Integrated Environmental Research Infrastructures System- CNR-IRET Team Coordinator